IFS Mentor Property Mastery Program
7 x 90 Minute Sessions
- 8 Psychometric Tests
- Credit Report Review
- Full Budget Planner (to be completed with your coach)
- Wealth Blueprint (to be completed with your coach)
- Create a Money Mindset
- Create Money Habits
- Change your financial life now and for the future
- Create Financial Habits
- Take control of your spending
- Save and invest now for your financial future
- Plan Implementation
- Property Research and Selection
- Property Purchase
- Property Performance Review
Our premium IFS Mentor Property Mastery Program offers a comprehensive education of all things finance, deep understanding of their capacity to build wealth, a borrowing capacity review with a mortgage broker and a plan to purchase a property. The mentorship program dives deep into property investment strategy, research and data taking you on a journey to purchasing a property with confidence and wealth creation purpose. This mentorship will change the way you think about money and your financial position now and for the future. It is ideal for those seeking expert guidance to refine their investment plans and maximize returns through financial strategy.
Following the DEPIR (DEEPER) Process of Discovery, Education, Plan, Implementation and Review
24 Step Program
Session 1 - Discovery
- Goals
- Fact Find Review
- Psychometric Tests Review
- Personal and Family History
- Couples and Money
- Property Locations
- Property Types
- Borrowing Capacity Discussion
Session 2 - Education
- Borrowing Capacity Confirmed
- Debt Mindset
- Saving Mindset
- Investing Mindset
- Tax and Tax Effectiveness
- Property Research and Data
- Property Location and Type
- Wealth Blueprint
Session 3. Plan
- Property Research
- Property Data
- Property Locations
- Property Types
- Properties Presentation
Session 4. Implement
- Goals Review
- Property Selection
- Property Purchase
- Property Professional Team
- Property Ownership
Session 5. Review
- Property Purchase Confirmed
- Funding Review
- Settlement
- Renovation/Construction
- Final Inspection
- Furnishing
- Tenancy
- Insurance
Session 6. Keys Handover
- Final Inspection
- Insurance
- Furnishing
- Tenancy
- Wealth Strategy Review
Session 7. Property Performance
- Property Performance
- Issues
- Learnings
- Wealth Strategy
- Next Property