Money Mentorship Program
7 x 90 Minute Sessions
- 8 Psychometric Tests
- Credit Report Review
- Full Budget Planner (to be completed with your coach)
- Wealth Blueprint (to be completed with your coach)
- Create a Money Mindset
- Create Money Habits
- Change your financial life now and for the future
- Create Financial Habits
- Take control of your spending
- Save and invest now for your financial future
- Plan Implementation
- Strategic Review
- Overcoming Barriers
- Taking Advantage of Change
- Create the Ever Evolving You
This program includes both the Money and Financial Coaching programs then advannce your development with the implementation, review and support to ensure you continue on your path to financial success. This compete program is recommended to all clients that a ready to take full control of their finances now and work with Pete to change into an ever evolving wealth creator. The additional sessions are game changers in advancing clients to their goals locking in plans as they come to life, driving behavioural change and habit creation. The final session is the developmental shift in the ever evolving wealth creator as you embrace your journey of continual improvement seeing the massive benefits of change and the light at the end of the tunnel.
Following the DEPIR (DEEPER) Process of Discovery, Education, Plan, Implementation and Review
Money Mentorship Program
Session 1 - Discovery
- Vision
- Personal History
- Family History
- Money Personality
- Personal Net Worth
- Couples & Money
Session 2 - Discovery
- Beliefs
- Your Path
- Personal relationship with Money
- The future you - Ever Evolving You
- Financial Pyramid
- Personal Wealth Path
Session 3. Education
- Money Mindset
- Income Mindset
- Spending Mindset
- Debt Mindset
- Saving Mindset
- Investing Mindset
- Tax & Tax Effectiveness
Session 4. Plan
- Goals
- Budget & Budgeting Strategies
- Investing
- Property Ownership
- Wealth Blueprint
Session 5. Implementation
- Putting your plan into action
- Accountability
- Support
- Overcoming barriers
- Addressing changes
- Leveraging opportunities
- Taking Advantage of Change
Session 6. Review
- Usings the 4Rs of TEACHERRRR to create Habits
- Reflect
- Rules
- Replace
- Reinforce
- Habit Creation
Session 7. Ever Evolving You
- Using the 4Rs of TEACHRRRR to create the Ever Evolving You.
- Reflect
- Rules
- Replace
- Reinforce
- Create the Ever Evolving You